Sacred CosmoGram Meditation Cards


Vibrational Meditation Cards

Sacred CosmoGrams are multi-dimensional visual and vibrational tools that bypass thought to achieve profound healing and transformation.

They are, in essence, a language of light that support and assist our transition into higher vibrations.

These cards are practical tools to use in
your everyday life when you desire guidance.




Vibrational Meditation Cards
Sacred CosmoGrams are multi-dimensional visual and vibrational tools that bypass thought to achieve profound healing and transformation.
They are, in essence, a language of light that support and assist our transition into higher vibrations.

These cards are practical tools to use in
your everyday life when you desire guidance.

How to Use this Deck:

First, ask for guidance or offer the deck an intention.

Then, shuffle and feel into your intuitive guidance to pull a card.

Allow yourself to sit with it and allow it to sit with you.

Your true self will understand the vibrational energy coming from the image.

You can now either sit with it in meditation, and/or display it somewhere prominent.

For Meditation:

You can follow one of these three suggested courses:

Look into the centre of the card, without blinking as long as you can, then close your eyes and allow yourself to open to the feelings and knowing that the Sacred CosmoGram brought up for you.

Turn to the corresponding page in the Sacred CosmoGram Book and follow the instructions.

If there is a corresponding Online Guided Meditation, follow along.

For Display:

Wherever you display the card that you drew,

the Sacred CosmoGram on it will transform the energy of

the environment it is placed in, for the highest good.

Included within are:

Celebration of Transformation

Peace of Mind

Crystal of Expansion

Blue Butterfly

Infinity of Connectedness

Flower of Growth

Law of Spirit

Resurrection of Truth

MultiDimensional Love

CosmoGram Chakra System

Eighth Chakra

Ninth Chakra

Water Crystal



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