The Mystery of You

clear . reclaim . strengthen . expand

Interactive Small Group Online Program.

Participate in grounded spiritual growth

Next live 2 h WebCast session,
November 21st, 7 pm PST
Topic: Soul Purpose

What are we doing?

  • WE will clear that which keeps us from our own inner peace.
  • We will reclaim and accept our inner strength.
  • WE will upgrade our consciousness.
  • We will sustain and ground into the new.

What’s in for you?

  • Support/motivation on your journey through daily life.
  • Easy program to participate in grounded spiritual growth.
  • Part of a positive group consciousness.
  • Conveniently from your home.

How do we do this? 

  • We will utilize life-based teachings
  • We will keep it down to earth and well grounded.
  • We will expand our awareness through guided journeying with the Sacred CosmoGram
  • We will journey deep into our hearts.
  • We gathering in the evening 
  • We keep it interactive with an intimate group of 7 max. (during the 4 weeks program only)
  • We have the option of playback for any missed sessions

Unveil your Soul Purpose!

Harness your divine gifts for the good of all.

Live 2 h WebCast session,
November 21st, 7 pm PST
Available online after live session!

The mystical art of transformation lies in being present in your daily Life, while transforming and awakening to your truth. The truth of your human Form and spiritual Being; allowing your own Soul Path and allows others their own.
Are you repeatedly being challenged with issues in any part of your Life? How about in your relationships (Lover/family/friends/business), your health, financially, or anything else unsettling? It may be your soul reaching out asking you to change the course of your current journey.

I see Life as a Garden. To harvest what you sow, a garden needs to be nurtured; so does Life.
If we like to change what we don’t like, there are 3 major steps to do so.

  • Removing, clearing, weeding out,
    what is overgrowing and invasive to Life ~ Garden

  • Receiving, reclaiming, planting in,
    what is welcome and beneficial to the growth of Life ~ Garden

  • Sustain, strengthen, nurture the New,
    being grateful by walking with integrity to Life ~ Garden . . .
    . . . and now we can expand.

If the garden is saturated with weeds the rose can’t get rooted and bloom. For truly long lasting weed free gardens, we need to get down on our knees. A weed is nothing more than that, it is just there; it is neither bad or good. Some surface weeds are removed effortlessly. On the other hand, deep rooted weeds will need repetition. The wise gardener knows of this ongoing process.

I am a Life Gardener and truly enjoy weeding, while I am listening to the whisper of Life.

I welcome you to become your own Life Gardener.

The programs I offer to you are all following one natural system, as assured by Life.

WE are focus on deepen and expand our consciousness to achieve inner peace on many aspects of life. Those circles are based and kept congruent to real life situation, down to earth and well-grounded.

With a guided journey through the sacred cosmograms we reach deep into our hearts.

The Sacred CosmoGrams (Book* incl.) are a key part; they will decipher the code to take people beyond their minds and mental understanding.

*In 2003, the cosmic nature gifted Alexandra with sacred geometry messages, which she has channeled since as Sacred CosmoGram. The sacred geometry images are a language of the light, manifested into the third dimension as Sacred CosmoGrams, to support and assist the change into higher vibrations. The expansion of love. The Sacred CosmoGrams affect our crystalline structure, by-passing our mind, which is mostly limited by our belief systems. To walk into the new era of humanity, we need to let go of all ego based emotions and attachments. The unconditional love flowing from the Sacred CosmoGram
 is the source of those creations.

Let’s go beyond thinking and find our Mystery.
I am looking forward meeting you again.