Sacred CosmoGram LoS-Canvas


9 in stock

Law of Spirit

Brings re-attunement to the laws of Nature through a very simple ceremony. You also can use this CosmoGram to cover your sacred objects and or use it as an altar cloth.

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9 in stock



Law of Spirit – Sacred CosmoGram
13”x11” print on Canvas cloth.
Shipped with written instruction for the ceremony.

This CosmoGram represents sacred primordial energies and will unify those sacred energies with the essence of the present.

This CG will bring an immediate re-attunement to the laws of Nature through a very simple ceremony. It allows the human form to reunite with the law of Nature. The vibrational frequency coming from this CG is strong, powerful, solid and steady.

 In this ceremony, you will not only create a sacred place in the environment around you, but also inside your being. It reunites the energies needed for your body to be again the sacred temple of your spirit.

 Instruction on how to use the CosmoGram:

Cover your sacred objects, use it as an altar cloth. Create a sacred place with a simple ceremony.