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The Mystery of You ~ Sacred Circle
Part One

The mystical art of transformation lies in being present in your daily Life, while transforming and awakening to your truth. The truth of your human Form and spiritual Being; allowing you to recognize your own Soul Path, and allows others their own.
‘The Mystery of You’ is a 3-Part Program in person (or online). More info… click here.

Part One: Novice and Clearing Phase
Part Two: Advanced and Planting Phase
Part Three: Awakening and Anchoring Phase.

Those circles are based on the Sacred CosmoGram Book* (incl.) and are interactive. The CosmoGrams are a key part; they will decipher the code to take people beyond their minds and mental understanding.

Fee: $120 (includes Book)
Early Bird: $88 (ends August 15th)  
The Early Bird Clicks here!

We will meet 4 weeks weekly in class.
September 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th,  7:00 – 8:30 pm PST
at the House of Now, Courtenay, BC

Please note that this part can be applied to the DSA program, instead the weekend workshop.
Contact Alexandra if you have any question.


*In 2003, the cosmic nature gifted Alexandra with sacred geometry messages, which she has channeled since as Sacred CosmoGram. The sacred geometry images are a language of the light, manifested into the third dimension as Sacred CosmoGrams, to support and assist the change into higher vibrations. The expansion of love. The Sacred CosmoGrams affect our crystalline structure, by-passing our mind, which is mostly limited by our belief systems. To walk into the new era of humanity, we need to let go of all ego based emotions and attachments. The unconditional love flowing from the Sacred CosmoGram
 is the source of those creations.

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